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@ -131,16 +131,16 @@ proc f(x, y) {
\carlos{Vocabulary: when is appropriate the use of method, function and procedure????}\sergio{buena pregunta, yo creo que es jerarquico, method incluye function y procedure y los dos ultimos son disjuntos entre si no?} \josep{No. metodo implica orientacion a objetos. si estas hablando de un lenguaje en particular (p.e., Java), entonces debes usar el vocabulario de ese lenguaje (p.e., method). Si hablas en general y quieres usar una palabra que subsuma a todos, yo he visto dos maneras de hacerlo: (1) usar routine (aunque podrias usar otra palabra, por ejemplo metodo) la primera vez y ponerle una footnote diciendo que en el resto del articulo usamos routine para referirnos a metodo/funcion/procedimiento/predicado. (2) Usar metodo/funcion/procedimiento/predicado así, separado por barras. En esta tesina parece mas apropiado hablar de metodo, y la primera vez poner una footnote que diga que hablaremos de métodos, pero todos los desarrollos son igualmente aplicables a funciones y procedimientos.}
In the original definition of the SDG, there was special handling of data dependencies when calling functions, as it was considered that parameters were passed by value, and global variables did not exist. \carlos{Name and cite paper that introduced it} solves this issue by splitting function calls and function \added{definitions} into multiple nodes. This proposal solved everything\sergio{lo resuelve todo?} related to parameter passing: by value, by reference, complex variables such as structs or objects and return values.
In the original definition of the SDG, there was special handling of data dependencies when calling functions, as it was considered that parameters were passed by value, and global variables did not exist. \carlos{Name and cite paper that introduced it} solves this issue by splitting function calls and function \added{definitions} into multiple nodes. This proposal solved \josep{the problem}everything\sergio{lo resuelve todo?} related to parameter passing: by value, by reference, complex variables such as structs or objects and return values.
To such end, the following modifications are made to the different graphs:
\item[CFG.] In each CFG, global variables read or modified and parameters are added to the label of the ``Start'' node in assignments of the form $par = par_{in}$ for each parameter and $x = x_{in}$ for global variables. Similarly, global variables and parameters modified are added to the label of the ``End'' node as \added{assignments of the form} $x_{out} = x$. \added{From now on, we will refer to the described assignments as input and output information respectively.} \sergio{\{}The parameters are only passed back if the value set by the called method can be read by the callee\sergio{\} no entiendo a que se refiere esta frase}. Finally, in method calls the same values must be packed and unpacked: each statement containing a function called is relabeled to contain \added{its related} input (of the form $par_{in} = \textnormal{exp}$ for parameters or $x_{in} = x$ for global variables) and output (always of the form $x = x_{out}$) \added{information}. \sergio{no hay parameter\_out? asumo entonces que no hay paso por valor?}
\item[PDG.] Each node \added{augmented with input or output information}\deleted{modified} in the CFG is \added{now} split into multiple nodes: the original \deleted{label}\added{node} \added{(Start, End or function call)} is the main node and each assignment \added{contained in the input and output information} is represented as a new node, which is control--dependent on the main one. Visually, \added{new nodes coming from the input information}\deleted{input is} \added{are} placed on the left and \added{the ones coming from the output information}\deleted{output} on the right; with parameters sorted accordingly.
\item[SDG.] Three kinds of edges are introduced: parameter input (param--in), parameter output (param--out) and summary edges. Parameter input edges are placed between each method call's input node and the corresponding method definition input node. Parameter output edges are placed between each method definition's output node and the corresponding method call output node. Summary edges are placed between the input and output nodes of a method call, according to the dependencies inside the method definition: if there is a path from an input node to an output node, that shows a dependence and a summary method is placed in all method calls between those two nodes.\sergio{Tengo la sensacion de que la explicacion de que es un summary llega algo tarde y tal vez deberia estar en alguna definicion previa. Que opine Josep que piensa}
\item[SDG.] Three kinds of edges are introduced: parameter input (param--in), parameter output (param--out) and summary edges. Parameter input edges are placed between each method call's input node and the corresponding method definition input node. Parameter output edges are placed between each method definition's output node and the corresponding method call output node. Summary edges are placed between the input and output nodes of a method call, according to the dependencies inside the method definition: if there is a path from an input node to an output node, that shows a dependence and a summary method is placed in all method calls between those two nodes.\sergio{Tengo la sensacion de que la explicacion de que es un summary llega algo tarde y tal vez deberia estar en alguna definicion previa. Que opine Josep que piensa}\josep{Efectivamente. Llega tarde. No pueden definirse estas dependencias despues de definir el SDG, porque entonces lo que has definido en la definicion formal no es un SDG (solo una parte de el) y cuando hables de SDG a partir de ahora todo estara incompleto. Las definiciones son sagradas, así que hay dos soluciones: (1) explicar estos tres arcos antes de la definicion de SDG para poder definirlos formalmente en la definicion de SDG, o (2) retrasar la definiucion formal de SDG hasta aqui (para poder incluirlos). O cualquier otra cosa que haga que el SDG esté bien definido}
Note: \deleted{parameter input and output}\added{param-in and param-out} edges are separated because the traversal algorithm traverses them only sometimes (the output edges are excluded in the first pass and the input edges in the second).\sergio{delicado mencionar lo de las pasadas sin haber hablado antes de nada del algoritmo de slicing, a los que no sepan de slicing se les quedara el ojete frio aqui. Plantearse quitar esta nota.}
Note: \deleted{parameter input and output}\added{param-in and param-out} edges are separated because the traversal algorithm traverses them only sometimes (the output edges are excluded in the first pass and the input edges in the second).\sergio{delicado mencionar lo de las pasadas sin haber hablado antes de nada del algoritmo de slicing, a los que no sepan de slicing se les quedara el ojete frio aqui. Plantearse quitar esta nota.}\josep{Esta nota retrasala hasta que hables del algoritmo de slicing. En ese momento puedes decir que precisamente para que hayan dos pasadas se distingue entre parameter-ín y paramneter-out. Alli tendrá sentido y será aclaratorio. Aquí es confusorio. ;-)}
\begin{example}[Variable packing and unpacking]
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