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@ -80,9 +80,9 @@ examples, \added{data and control dependencies are represented by thin solid red
The set of nodes corresponds to the set of nodes of the CFG\josep{que CFG? no se puede dar por hecho que existe un CFG en una definicion}, excluding the ``End'' node.
Both sets of edges are built as follows. There is a control edge between two nodes $n_1$ and $n_2$ if and only if $n_1 \ctrldep n_2$\sergio{acordarse de lo de evitar la generacion de arcos para prevenir la transitividad. Decidir si definimos Control arc como ua definicion aparte.}, and a data edge between $n_1$ and $n_2$ if and only if $n_1 \datadep n_2$. Additionally, if a node $n$ does not have any incoming control edges, it has a ``default'' control edge $e = (\textnormal{Start},n)$; so that ``Start'' is the only source node of the graph.
Both sets of edges are built as follows\josep{:}. There is a control edge between two nodes $n_1$ and $n_2$ if and only if $n_1 \ctrldep n_2$\sergio{acordarse de lo de evitar la generacion de arcos para prevenir la transitividad. Decidir si definimos Control arc como ua definicion aparte.}, and a data edge between $n_1$ and $n_2$ if and only if $n_1 \datadep n_2$. Additionally, if a node $n$ does not have any incoming control edges, it has a ``default'' control edge $e = (\textnormal{Start},n)$; so that ``Start'' is the only source node of the graph.
Note: the most common graphical representation is a tree--like structure based on the control edges, and nodes sorted left to right according to their position on the original program. Data edges do not affect the structure, so that the graph is easily readable.
Note: \josep{dentro de una definicion no pueden haber notas. Esto va fuera}the most common graphical representation is a tree--like structure based on the control edges, and nodes sorted left to right according to their position on the original program. Data edges do not affect the structure, so that the graph is easily readable.
\sergio{creo que en la definicion de CFG y PDG tiene que quedar mas claro que hay varios por programa (uno por funcion), para que esta ultima frase cobre mas sentido.}
@ -93,7 +93,8 @@ program.
\begin{definition}[System dependence graph]
The \textsl{system dependence graph} (SDG) is a directed graph that represents the control and data dependencies of a whole program. It has three kinds of edges: control, data and function call. The graph is built combining multiple PDGs, with the ``Start'' nodes labeled after the function they begin. There exists one function call edge between each node containing one or more calls and each of the ``Start'' node of the method called. In a programming language where the function call is ambiguous (e.g. with pointers or polymorphism), there exists one edge leading to every possible function called.\sergio{Esta definicion ha quedado muy informal no? Donde han quedado los $E_c,~E_d,~E_{fc},$ Nodes del PDG...?}
\josep{Arreglar esta definicion como la del PDG. Ahora mismo es totalmente informal. Deberia definirse encima del PDG. Es decir, una SDG es la conexion adecuada de varios PDGs, uno por método. Y solo definir lo nuevo: call arcs, parameter-in arcs, parameter-out arcs y summary arcs.}
The \textsl{system dependence graph} (SDG) is a directed graph that represents the control and data dependencies of a whole program. It has three kinds of edges: control, data and function call. The graph is built combining multiple PDGs, with the ``Start'' nodes labeled after the function they begin. There exists one function call edge between each node containing one or more calls and each of the ``Start'' node\josep{s} of the method called. In a programming language where the function call is ambiguous (e.g. with pointers or polymorphism), there exists one edge leading to every possible function called.\sergio{Esta definicion ha quedado muy informal no? Donde han quedado los $E_c,~E_d,~E_{fc},$ Nodes del PDG...?}
\begin{example}[Creation of a SDG from a simple program]
@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ proc f(x, y) {
\sergio{Centrar la figura, sobra mucho espacio a la derecha}
Then, control and data dependencies are computed, arranging the nodes in the PDG \sergio{FigureRef missing}. Finally, the two graphs are connected with summary edges\sergio{with que? esto no se sabe aun ni lo que es ni para que sirve. En todo caso function call edges, y si ese es el negro que va de f(a,b) a Start f() para diferenciarlo deberia ser de otro color} to create the SDG:
Then, control and data dependencies are computed, arranging the nodes in the \josep{corresponding} PDG\josep{s (see the two PDGs inside the two squares below)}\sergio{FigureRef missing}. Finally, the two graphs are connected with summary edges\sergio{with que? esto no se sabe aun ni lo que es ni para que sirve. En todo caso function call edges, y si ese es el negro que va de f(a,b) a Start f() para diferenciarlo deberia ser de otro color} to create the SDG:
@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ proc f(x, y) {
\subsubsection{Function calls and data dependencies}
\carlos{Vocabulary: when is appropriate the use of method, function and procedure????}\sergio{buena pregunta, yo creo que es jerarquico, method incluye function y procedure y los dos ultimos son disjuntos entre si no?}
\carlos{Vocabulary: when is appropriate the use of method, function and procedure????}\sergio{buena pregunta, yo creo que es jerarquico, method incluye function y procedure y los dos ultimos son disjuntos entre si no?} \josep{No. metodo implica orientacion a objetos. si estas hablando de un lenguaje en particular (p.e., Java), entonces debes usar el vocabulario de ese lenguaje (p.e., method). Si hablas en general y quieres usar una palabra que subsuma a todos, yo he visto dos maneras de hacerlo: (1) usar routine (aunque podrias usar otra palabra, por ejemplo metodo) la primera vez y ponerle una footnote diciendo que en el resto del articulo usamos routine para referirnos a metodo/funcion/procedimiento/predicado. (2) Usar metodo/funcion/procedimiento/predicado así, separado por barras. En esta tesina parece mas apropiado hablar de metodo, y la primera vez poner una footnote que diga que hablaremos de métodos, pero todos los desarrollos son igualmente aplicables a funciones y procedimientos.}
In the original definition of the SDG, there was special handling of data dependencies when calling functions, as it was considered that parameters were passed by value, and global variables did not exist. \carlos{Name and cite paper that introduced it} solves this issue by splitting function calls and function \added{definitions} into multiple nodes. This proposal solved everything\sergio{lo resuelve todo?} related to parameter passing: by value, by reference, complex variables such as structs or objects and return values.
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