\textit{Program slicing}\cite{Wei81,Sil12}\sergio{hay alguna razon para que \cite{Sil12} no este en la intro?, la unica cita alli es\cite{Wei81}. Propongo eliminar \cite{Sil12} por homogeneidad}\josep{mas bien, tendria que estar 13 tambi\'en en la intro} is a debugging technique that
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answers the question: ``which parts of a program \josep{do?}
program ---which constitutes a valid program--- whose execution will result in
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the same values for the variables \josep{frase enrrevesada. yo la. cambiaria. De todas formas, para que sea correcta le sobran los parentesis }(selected in the slicing criterion).
\sergio{Mi propuesta es mover el concepto naive de aqui a la intro para que entiendan algo del ejemplo y aqui hacer referencia a la definicion anterior o introducir las dimensiones de slicing directamente con un pequenyo preambulo. Una fuerte razon para definirlo alli es que usamos todo el rato la palabra slice y de repente, despues de usarla un rato, la definimos.}
or pseudo-random number generator), but \sergio{, despite selecting the same slicing criterion, the slice }must be recomputed for each case\sergio{different input value/execution considered?}
\cite{Wei81} is generally more used \sergio{habra que decir lo que es antes de decir que se usa mas no? Cambiar el orden y reescribir esta frase. Decimos que es y luego que es el que generalmente se estudia o algo de eso}, because it looks at the statements
\cite{JacR94}, which is used to find all statements that affect some variables in the slicing criterion and at the same time they are affected by some other variables in the slicing criterion.
Since the definition of program slicing\sergio{Since Weiser defined program slicing in 1981}, the most \deleted{extended form}\added{studied configuration?} of slicing has
\sergio{Esta definicion no obligaba tambien a acabar con el mismo error en caso de que la ejecucion no termine? Si es asi, plantearse poner algo al respecto.}
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\josep{hay que revisar la definición de (1) Weiser, (2) Binkley y Gallagher y (3) Frank Tip. Mi opinion es que NO: Creo que no es necesario que el error se repita. Lo que dice es que el valor de las variables del SC debe ser el mismo, pero no dice nada del error.}
\carlos{Check citation and improve ``formalization''?}
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\josep{Si esa cita no es, entonces puedes usar la de Binkley: \url{https://cgi.csc.liv.ac.uk/~coopes/comp319/2016/papers/ProgramSlicing-Binkley+Gallagher.pdf}}
\sergio{$\forall~i~\in~I, v\in~V~\rightarrow~seq(i,v,P)~Pref~seq(i,v,S)$ where $seq(i,a,A)$ representa la secuencia de valores obtenidos para $a$ al ejecutar el input $i$ en el programa $A$. $I$ es el conjunto de todos los inputs posibles para $P$. Por ahi irian los tiros creo yo.}\sergio{Formalizacion existente en el repo: Program Slicing $\rightarrow$ Trabajos $\rightarrow$ Erlang Benchmarks $\rightarrow$ Papers $\rightarrow$ ICSM 2018 $\rightarrow$ Submitted (Section III - A)}
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\josep{Si se formaliza con el uso de seq, entonces puedes mirar la definicion del paper de POI testing (Sergio sabe cual es).}
Both definitions (\ref{def:strong-slice} and~\ref{def:weak-slice}) are
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used throughout the literature (see, e.g., \cite{pending}\carlos{Which citation? Most papers on exception slicing do not indicate or hint whether they use strong or weak.}\sergio{Josep?}\josep{para Strong se puede poner a Weiser. Para Weak se puede poner a Binkley \url{https://cgi.csc.liv.ac.uk/~coopes/comp319/2016/papers/ProgramSlicing-Binkley+Gallagher.pdf}}), \josep{este final de frase lo quitaria:}with some cases \deleted{favoring}\added{favouring} the first and some the
\textit{strong}, and those where the original is a prefix of the slice,
\textit{weak}. Weak slicing tends to be preferred ---specially for debugging--- for two reasons: the algorithm can be simpler and avoid dealing with termination \josep{termination no esta contemplada ni en weak ni en strong. Mas bien di que en debugging lo que importa es que el error se produzca. En general da igual cuantas veces se produzca o que se siga produciendo despues.}, and the slices can be smaller, narrowing the focus of the debugger. For some applications, \deleted{strong slices are preferred,} such as extracting a \josep{component or a specialized program}feature from a program, where there is a requirement that the resulting slice behave\josep{s} exactly like\josep{as} the original\added{, strong slices are preferred\josep{esto queda muy lejos ya. Yo partiria la frase en dos}}. In this paper we will \josep{Along the thesis, we indicate} indicate which kind of slice is produced with each new technique proposed. \sergio{Generamos alguna vez strong? Joder que cracks somos xD}
definitions. Each row shows the values \sergio{for a specific variable $v$ in the slicing criterion,} produced by \deleted{the}\added{a particular} execution of \deleted{a}\sergio{the original}
The first \added{row stands for}\deleted{is} the original \added{program}, which computes $3!$.
Slice A's \deleted{execution log}\added{generated sequence of values} is identical to the original and therefore it is a strong slice.
Slice B is a weak slice: its execution correctly produces the same \added{sequence of }values as the original program, but it continues producing values after the original stops.
Slice C is incorrect, as the \added{generated sequence of} values differ\added{s} from the \added{sequence generated by the }original \added{program}.
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\sergio{Taking a closer look, one could think that }Some data or control dependency has not been included in the slice \josep{lo que sigue quitarlo. Lia...}and the program produce\josep{s} different results, in this case the slice computes Fibonacci numbers instead of factorials.\sergio{Esto no parece muy relevante, plantearse quitarlo para no liar con Fibonacci.}
\caption{\deleted{Execution logs of different slices and their original program.}\added{Sequence of values obtained for a certain variable of the original program and three different slices A, B and C for a particular input.}}
\josep{Even though the original proposal by Weiser~\cite{Wei81} focussed on an imperative language, program slicing is a language--agnostic technique.} Program slicing is a language--agnostic tool\sergio{program slicing es tool o technique?}, but the original proposal by
object--oriented languages~\cite{???} or functional languages~\cite{???}.
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\carlos{Se pueden poner más, faltan las citas correspondientes.}\sergio{Guay, hay que buscarlas y ponerlas, la biblio la veo corta para todos los papers que hay, yo creo que cuando este todo deberia haber sobre 30 casi, si no mas.}\josep{Si. Muchas de esas referencias puedes sacarlas de los ultimos surveys de slicing. }
There exist multiple approaches to compute a slice\sergio{esto me suena raro, yo diria program representations o data structures that allow the use of program slicing techniques o algo asi, debatirlo}\carlos{DENIED} from a given program and
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slicing criterion, but the most efficient and broadly used \josep{technique is based on a data structure called} data structure is the System
Dependence Graph (SDG), first introduced by Horwitz, Reps\josep{,} and
Blinkey \sergio{in 1988}\sergio{Todos los autores o los citamos con et al.? lo digo por seguir la misma regla durante todo el document}~\cite{HorwitzRB88}. It is computed from the program's statements\sergio{source code}, and
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once built, a slicing criterion is chosen \josep{and mapped on the graph, then} , the graph \added{is} traversed using a specific
algorithm, and the slice \added{is} obtained. Its efficiency resides\josep{relies? on} in the fact that\added{,} for
multiple slices \deleted{that share}\added{calculated for} the same program, the graph \deleted{must only be built}\added{generation process is only performed} once.
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On top of that, building the graph has a complexity of $\mathcal{O}(n^2)$\carlos{uso $\mathcal{O}$ o $O$?}\sergio{Josep?\josep{$\mathcal{O}$}} with
To create the SDG, first \josep{yo dejaria el a (como estaba)}\deleted{a}\added{the corresponding}\textit{control flow graph} (CFG) is built for each method
in \added{a new graph representation known as }the \textit{program dependence graph} (PDG)\sergio{cita??}\josep{si, a Ottenstein and Ottenstein}\carlos{TENSTEIN, K. J., AND O’ITENSTEIN, L. M. The program dependence graph in a software development environment}. Finally, all the graphs from every
method are joined \carlos{NO by the appearance of a new kind of inter-procedural arcs, the argument-in argument-out arcs that link function definitions with function calls, obtaining}\deleted{into} the \added{final} SDG. This process will be explained at greater
An example \added{of how an initial CFG is augmented and enhanced with all mentioned dependencies obtaining the corresponding PDG and the final SDG} is provided in figure~\ref{fig:basic-graphs}, where a \added{the process is illustrated for a} simple
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multiplication program\josep{pon el codigo del programa. asi pueden entender de que va esto los que no sepan de slicing. Sin el programa lo tienen mas complicado... Acabo de ver que ya esta el codigo. Entonces referencialo, presentalo: Consider the multiplication program in Figure X. The standard CFG and PDG generated for this code are... bla bla bla }\deleted{ is converted to CFG, then PDG and finally SDG}. For
simplicity, \josep{quita el only}only the CFG and PDG of \texttt{main} are omitted\sergio{no entiendo esto de main. Donde esta main?}. Control
dependencies are \added{represented with }black \added{arcs}, data dependencies \added{with} red \added{arcs}, and summary edges \added{are depicted with }blue \added{arcs}.
\sergio{nose si vale la pena poner la Figure~\ref{fig:basic-graphs} aqui, no hemos contado aun como se genera, sino que se genera y se supone que se cuenta mas adelante, tal vez sea mas util hacer referencia forward solo y no poner esta figura aqui, sino mas adelante. Plantearselo}
\josep{The main four metrics used to assess a program slicing algorithm are:}There are four relevant metrics considered when evaluating a slicing algorithm:
\sergio{Se me hace muy escueto esto, yo meteria algo de bullshit como dice Tama.}
\sergio{In the area of program slicing, there are many different slicing techniques and tools implementing them. This fact has created the necessity to classify them by defining a set of different metrics. These metrics are commonly associated to some features of the generated slices. In the following, we list the most relevant metrics considered when evaluating a program slice:}
\item[Correctness.] The solution excludes all statements that do not affect
the slicing criterion. Most solutions are complete, but the degree of correctness is
what sets them apart, as solutions that are more correct will produce smaller slices, which will execute fewer instructions to compute the same values, decreasing the executing time and complexity.
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\item[Features covered.] Which features \josep{(polymorphism, global variables, arrays, etc.)} or language\josep{s/paradigms} a slicing algorithm
covers. Different approaches to slicing cover different programming
languages and even paradigms. There are slicing techniques (published or
commercially available) for most popular programming languages, from C++
to Erlang. Some slicing techniques only cover a subset of the targeted
language, and as such are less useful for commercial applications, but
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can be a stepping stone in the betterment of the field.\sergio{Tambien estan las valen para todos los lenguajes, ORBS entraria en ese caso no Josep?}\josep{si, hay algunas tecnicas que son independiente del paradigma, entre ellas ORBS. A cambio pagan un precio que suele ser una perdida de precision. Yo no me extenderia en ese tema, pero si estaria bien meter una cita a ORBS y sus semejantes al decir lo de even paradigms}
stated, slicing is a two-step process: building a graph and traversing it \sergio{esta frase hace parece que hacer slicing es dibujo libre... darle algo de importancia hablando de traducir el codigo a una representacion en forma de grafo con un estructura de datos compleja bla bla bla...}.
relevant, because it is only done once (per program being analyzed), making this the least important metric. \sergio{Puedes anyadir que aunque la metrica del proceso de generacion no se suele tener muy en cuenta, esta existe porque es donde hay que hacer el analisis mas costoso sobre el programa y tal... relleno a saco! Que parece que no tiene ni merito generar el grafo :(}
\sergio{Soy pesado pero esto se me vuelve a hacer muy corto :/. Retoco esto un poco}
\added{As stated before, there are many uses for program slicing: program specialization, software maintenance, code obfuscation... but there is no doubt that p}\deleted{P}rogram slicing is first and foremost a debugging technique\added{.}\deleted{, having e}\added{E}ach\deleted{variation}\added{configuration of different dimensions serves} a different purpose:
\sergio{a mi me parecen suficientes, puedes decir una frasecita de 2 o 3 lineas diciendo que hay mas y algun uso de alguno de los otros que queden asi a lo general, pero yo los veo suficientes.}
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\josep{suficientes. Añade un p\'arrafo diciendo que existen otras dimensiones que dan lugar a otras tecnicas y que en [16] se puede encontrar una an\'alisis de las diferentes dimensiones que pueden usarse para clasificar tecnicas de slicing}
Exception handling is common in most modern programming languages. \added{Exception handling generally consists in a set of statements that modify the normal execution flow noticing the existence of an abnormal program behaviour (controlled or not), and can be handled manually by the programmer or automatically by the system, depending on the programming language. In our work we focus on the Java programming language, so in the following, we describe the elements that Java uses to represent and handle exceptions:}\deleted{In Java, it
\textit{checked} (all others, may inherit from \texttt{Throwable}, but typically they do so from \texttt{Exception}). The first kind may be thrown anywhere without warning, whereas
source. Except Bash, Assembly, VBA, C and G,\sergio{Bash y companyia no tienen mecanismo de exception handling? o no se parece al de Java? No queda claro en esta frase} the rest of the languages shown
exception, and in languages without it\sergio{este ``it" se refiere a inheritance? pon algun objeto y elimina algun it porque hay muchos y me lian xD}, it is an arbitrary value (e.g.
On the other hand, in \deleted{the other languages }\sergio{``the other languages" es muy vago}\added{those languages that do not offer explicit exception handling mechanisms,}\deleted{there exist a variety of systems that emulate or replace exception handling:}\added{this feature is covered by a variety of systems that emulate or replace their behaviour:}
instances can be accumulated. When appropriate, they will run in LIFO\deleted{order}
(Last In--First Out) \added{order}.
\item[Assembly.] Assembly is a representation of machine code, and each computer architecture has its own instruction set, which makes an analysis impossible. In general, though, no unified exception handling is provided. \carlos{complete with more info on kinds of error handling at the processor level or is this out of scope???}\sergio{Si metes una explicacion asi breve que se entienda bien, si va a ser muy tecnico yo pararia aqui. Diria que las excepciones se manejan a nivel de procesador o lo que sea asi por encima y matizao}
\footnotetext{For more details on Go's design choices, see \url{https://golang.org/doc/faq\#exceptions}. \carlos{Possible transformation to citation???}\sergio{No creo que nos vaya a hacer falta. Con el state of the art y la intro tendremos bastantes.}\josep{mantenlo como footnote}}