> nelsonjchen theme for [Oh My Fish][omf-link]. Based on re5et in Oh-My-Zsh. ## Install ```fish $ mkdir -p ~/.config/fish/{functions,themes} $ cd ~/.config/fish $ git clone https://git.cgj.es/kauron/fish-theme-nelsonjchen.git themes/nelsonjchen $ cd functions $ for i in ../themes/nelsonjchen/*.fish; ln -sf $i end ``` ## Features and Differences * Pretty colors * Two line prompt * Git Prompt using off-the-shelf fish functions * Note that the symbology, colors, and features are more than the `zsh` version and they don't match up 1-to-1. For example, checking out a tag will show the tag name in `fish` but the re5et version in `zsh` will simply show the commit ID. This was one such freebie amongst many I just left in while porting since the `fish` script was giving it to me for free anyway. It is still pretty close though. * Red user prompt if `root` * ~12~ 24 hour clock * re5et: 24 hour clock * DD MM YY date format * re5et: YY MM DD date format * Title Setting to the `prompt_pwd` function in fish for screen, tmux, and non-terminal multiplexer. * This is derived from [@chgu82837's theme](https://github.com/chgu82837/theme-PastFish/blob/39af8e2885e308501bb0afa9dedab193a8722cfe/fish_prompt.fish#L82-L90) ## Omissions from the re5et version * Trimming down the working directory display only works on `~`. The original re5et prompt would also trim based on the current environment variables set. For example, if you had the environment variable `FOO` set to `/usr/local` and you did `cd /usr/local`, you would see `$FOO/` in the prompt as the current working directory. I'm not sure how I would get this working. `fish` does appear to have a condensation function but it goes beyond simple environment variable replacement and I can't figure out how to turn it off. ## Screenshot

# License [MIT][mit] © [Nelson Chen][author] et [al][contributors] [mit]: http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT [author]: http://github.com/nelsonjchen [contributors]: https://github.com/nelsonjchen/omf-theme-nelsonjchen/graphs/contributors [omf-link]: https://www.github.com/oh-my-fish/oh-my-fish [license-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-007EC7.svg?style=flat-square [travis-badge]: http://img.shields.io/travis/nelsonjchen/omf-theme-nelsonjchen.svg?style=flat-square