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The configuration file for issue_generator.
Includes a custom reader for UDSClient, a shorthand custom reader and a
shorthand custom poster for Forgejo.
Two categories of project are given: software used on MIST and software
packaged for ArchLinux by me.
import re
from typing import Any
import requests
from issue_generator import FeedReader, GithubReader, GithubTagReader, PIPYReader, \
IssuePoster, ForgejoPoster, GitlabPoster, \
import _secrets
class UDSClientReader(FeedReader):
'''Custom feed reader for UDSClient, whose version number appears in a .js file.'''
def __init__(self, target: IssuePoster):
'''Creates a new UDSClient Reader.'''
super().__init__("udsclient", "https://polilabs.upv.es/uds/utility/uds.js", target)
def read_feed(self) -> bool | None:
'''Checks for a new version of udsclient, by checking a .js file.'''
get = requests.get(self.url, timeout = TIMEOUT)
if not self.target.check_req(get, self.name):
return None
match = re.search(r"[/a-zA-Z_-]+udsclient\d+-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\.tar\.gz", get.text)
if not match:
return None
url = "https://polilabs.upv.es" + match.group(0)
version = match.group(1)
if requests.head(url, timeout = TIMEOUT).status_code != 200:
return None
return self.match_post_save(version, version, url)
def entry_get_link(self, entry: dict[str, Any]) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError()
def entry_get_version(self, entry: dict[str, Any]) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError()
class CGJForgejoPoster(ForgejoPoster):
'''All projects on Forgejo share the same assignee, instance and token.'''
def __init__(self, project: str):
super().__init__(project, token = _secrets.FORGEJO_REPORTER_TOKEN,
instance = "https://git.cgj.es")
class NCAppReader(GithubReader):
'''All GitHub releases readers that must alert Forgejo's `archpkgs`.'''
def __init__(self, app, project):
super().__init__(name = app, project = project,
target = CGJForgejoPoster("archpkgs/" + app))
# Issue Posters
GITLAB_BOIRA_CARGAJI = GitlabPoster(project=36, assignee=4, labels="upstream-update",
GITLAB_SNAKES_CARGAJI = GitlabPoster(project=37, assignee=4, labels="upstream-update",
# Feed Readers
# Name FeedType Project TargetProject
################################ Software used in MIST (Gitlab) ###################################
# LanguageTool GHTags languagetool-org/languagetool 36 (sysadmin/boira)
GithubTagReader(name = "LanguageTool", project = "languagetool-org/languagetool",
# python3-snakes PIPY snakes 37 (packages/python3-snakes)
PIPYReader(name = "python3-snakes", package = "snakes",
################################ Software that I package (Forgejo) ################################
# pdfbooklet GHReleases Averell7/PdfBooklet archpkgs/pdfbooklet
NCAppReader(app = "pdfbooklet", project = "Averell7/PdfBooklet"),
# meshcentral GHReleases Ylianst/MeshCentral archpkgs/meshcentral
GithubReader(name = "meshcentral", project = "Ylianst/MeshCentral",
target = CGJForgejoPoster("archpkgs/meshcentral")),
# nc-cospend GHReleases eneiluj/cospend-nc archpkgs/nextcloud-app-cospend
NCAppReader(app = "nextcloud-app-cospend", project = "eneiluj/cospend-nc"),
# nc-forms GHReleases nextcloud/forms archpkgs/nextcloud-app-forms
NCAppReader(app = "nextcloud-app-forms", project = "nextcloud/forms"),
# nc-maps GHReleases nextcloud/maps archpkgs/nextcloud-app-maps
NCAppReader(app = "nextcloud-app-maps", project = "nextcloud/maps"),
# nc-music GHReleases owncloud/music archpkgs/nextcloud-app-music
NCAppReader(app = "nextcloud-app-music", project = "owncloud/music"),
# nc-onlyoffice GHReleases ONLYOFFICE/onlyoffice-nextcloud archpkgs/nextcloud-app-onlyoffice
NCAppReader(app = "nextcloud-app-onlyoffice", project = "ONLYOFFICE/onlyoffice-nextcloud"),
# nc-polls GHReleases nextcloud/polls archpkgs/nextcloud-app-polls
NCAppReader(app = "nextcloud-app-polls", project = "nextcloud/polls"),
# nc-socialsharing GHReleases nextcloud/socialsharing archpkgs/nextcloud-app-socialsharing
NCAppReader(app = "nextcloud-app-socialsharing", project = "nextcloud/socialsharing"),
# udsclient Custom --- archpkgs/udsclient
UDSClientReader(target = CGJForgejoPoster(project="archpkgs/udsclient")),
# vigil GHReleases valeriansaliou/vigil archpkgs/vigil
NCAppReader(app = "vigil", project = "valeriansaliou/vigil"),
# vigil-local GHReleases valeriansaliou/vigil-local archpkgs/vigil-local
NCAppReader(app = "vigil-local", project = "valeriansaliou/vigil-local"),
# yourls GHReleases YOURLS/YOURLS archpkgs/yourls
NCAppReader(app = "yourls", project = "YOURLS/YOURLS"),
# Software that I use exposed to the Internet
# Name FeedType Project
# gad GHReleases brianreumere/gandi-automatic-dns aur?
# nextcloud GHReleases nextcloud/server pacman?
# peertube GHReleases Chocobozzz/PeerTube aur?
# vaultwarden GHReleases dani-garcia/vaultwarden pacman?
# wallabag GHReleases wallabag/wallabag pacman?
# yay GHReleases Jguer/yay aur?
# Others?
# duplicati ???